Natremed, Unit B9, Keepsafe Self Storage Ltd. Bailey Hall Road, Halifax,  HX3 9XJ

Ernie 0771 737 5815

emial physicoolbandage
CM-Store phone 07717375815

Leading Natural Health Product Supplier for Professional and Personal User

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Ernie 0771 737 5815

emial physicoolbandage
CM-Store phone 07717375815


Unit B9

Keepsafe Self Storage Ltd

Bailey Hall Road



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Chafed Thighs, Arm Pits or under you Breasts!

Nemidon Chafe Block is a soothing, unique, patented, natural marine gel that helps prevent chafing of the skin. It is made with seaweed colloids that allow the skin pores to breathe while providing a natural barrier against chafing. Chafe Block will remain on the skin through sweating and cold water. If swimming, Chafe Block will stay on the skin. Once dry, it will provide protection again.

 Chafed Thighs, Arm Pits or under you Breasts!  We know the problem and now we can help in reducing the effect; making the summer months and your holiday time more comfortable for you.

In extreme temperatures or hot climates, your body can develop rashes and the skin can get chafed. Chafing is skin rubbing on skin or on any surface such as synthetic clothing or other material, thus getting red and irritated. Chafing often happens in people who are overweight or who wear ill-fitting clothes.

Chafing under the breast often happens during exercises or running, or even while wearing an ill-fitting bra. The chafing causes irritation on the skin because the constant rubbing scrapes at the skin, leaving it sore.  If the skin is moist, this causes bacteria and yeast to breed, thus making the soreness worse. If chafing continues unabated, without any remedy or relief, it could become a rash, especially under the breasts or the armpits. These areas are rarely exposed and aired, and the skin therefore does eventually leading to a rash

Nemidon Chafe Block: A soothing natural gel that helps prevent skin irritations and chafing from friction - especially between the legs or under the arms. It allows the pores of the skin to breathe and allows water or perspiration to pass freely whilst still providing a natural barrier against potential irritations including wind and sun.

Nemidon Chafe Block   (from New Zealand)

Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel
Nemidon Chafe Block Gel